eFiltro New Idea Center is in the "business of business plans". We may not know much about much, but we have a core competence in business plan development and analysis predicated on:

  • We have received thousands of plans of all sizes and sorts
  • We have experienced management in corporate and entrepreneurial firms
  • We commissioned McKinsey & Co. to prepare an rigorous methodology for our own use to analyze plans
  • We perform business plan analysis services for angel networks, Department of Commerce and a major Web finance portal
  • We have coordinated over ten business plan competitions
  • We have performed over four hundred business plan reviews, tune-ups and consulting projects.
  • We have a network of over 350 investors to whom we talk regularly about their latest objectives

However, we do not explicitly develop business plans because that would conflict with our independent assessment. We are not unscrupulous "investment bankers" that require a $15,000 retainer to develop business plans before we consider getting you funded. However, we do refer entrepreneurs to business plan professionals, and provide analysis, tune-ups and consulting engagements. Given our established network of venture capital firms and investors, our biggest challenge continues to be to find great companies, so we want to receive great business plans!

Please believe us...You need to have an investment grade business plan to get investors! Why yes, we are familiar with the following statements from entrepreneurs:

  • "My idea is sooo good, it does not need a business plan"
  • "I have a wonderful Powerpoint presentation in lieu of a plan"
  • "Our expanded executive summary captures all the necessary information to make an investment decision".
  • "It's all in the PPM (Private Placement Memorandum legal document)"
  • "Just give me one interview, and you will be blown away by the opportunity"

Only serious professionals will get funded, and they know how to make a good plan, which includes professional advice. Please read the following sections of business plans, and let us assist you develop a business model and investment document that will get you funded.


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